Sunday, September 09, 2007

A Little Wet

This afternoon Baileigh came to the back door to inform me she had gotten her clothes wet a little with the hose and wanted to know if it was okay. She was damp, no biggie, I told her it was fine and I didn't care if she didn't care.

About 2o minutes later I went outside to check on the girls. I wandered over to our neighbors yard where I thought I heard them playing with their buddy, Jacob. I found the 3 of them, all in their clothes, sitting in a tiny baby pool. Baileigh immediately said, "Mommy, you said you didn't really care if I was a little wet, so I didn't think you would care if I was a lot wet." Mckenna spoke up in agreement, "Yah, Mommy, I thought if you didn't care if Baileigh got her clothes wet then you wouldn't care if I got my clothes wet, too."

1 comment:

Double A's Mom said...

Gotta love that kiddo logic!