To say that Baileigh was excited is truly an understatement. Estatic, euphoric, elated...all weak in their descriptive capabilities. If I would have let her she would have stood outside waiting for the bus at 9am...despite the fact it wasn't picking her up until 12:08pm.
The official backpack pose. She is very proud of her initials and the butterfly on the bag she selected and wanted to be sure I got them in the picture. I know it looks like she has 20lbs. in the bag...not sure why, it was practically empty aside from the school supplies and a small snack.
My three girls. Just seeing them together in this photo on this occassion makes me think of all the "first photos" I'll be taking of this trio...I'm getting a little verclamped.
I said, "hey Baileigh, smile." This is what I get.
Waiting and waiting and waiting. They were so upset when the vehicle they had been listening to down the street ended up being the garbage truck making its rounds and not the bus.
Greeting the bus driver, Ms. Debbie, with a big "HELLO, I'm Baileigh Michelle Hall." That got a laugh out of the driver, me too.
After I put her on the bus I decided to make the 5 minute drive over to the school for a few more pictures and just to make sure she got there okay. Yes, first kid at Kindergarten, I know. I arrived to find about 30 other parents that did the same thing so I felt less ridiculous. Plus it gave me the chance to pick up a Happy Meal for Mckenna on the drive to school...she was pretty sad and actually started crying when Baileigh pulled away on the bus which then made me sad. She starts Pre-K next week but that didn't seem to comfort her today.
Waiting for the kids were both Kindergarten teachers (Ms. Ginsburg on the right). Apparently the requirement at her school for K teachers is to be a petitie brunette in your late twenties.
Ms. Ginsburg rallying the troops as they wait for the other bus (Baileigh on the far right). The bus was 30 minutes late to school! I think I would have been panicking if it weren't for the other concerned parents. I guess this is typical on the first day while the driver is learning the route and parents are taking pictures and delaying the driver ( I would never do that!).She isn't even home yet and I'm already blogging about her big day. I'll have to be sure that this doesn't become a habit during her school hours and that I'm more prodoctive. I have managed to make it to the gym, clean out a closet and play Shoots n Ladders with Mckenna so I feel like I've achieved enough for the day to relax.
Baileigh looks so old to me in these pictures. We haven't even been gone from WA a year! Your girls are so cute... and getting so pretty too. Baileigh, with her pretty slim build and long blonde hair, reminds me of a Barbie Doll. : ) Ivan and Grant seemed old to me when I got home and blogged about their first day... it sure flies by.
Ok-I am not trying to be a fashion expert here, but I can't help but notice Ms. Ginsburg is wearing the same outfit from the day before. WHAT? :)) Baileigh looks so excited- I remember her telling me this summer when I taught her Sunday school class that she was going to be a teacher when she grew up... was it an Art teacher? She is So cute!!
Oh yeah...I was cursing parents out yesterday who decided it was a great idea to take pictures of their kids on Hartford Rd.....holding up lots of traffic both ways...arrrgh!
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