Saturday, September 13, 2008

Keeping Quiet

Yesterday Brad left at 5pm to work a 6pm-6am shift as part of the Crisis Action Team (something like that) that is activated when something like Ike is occurring. At 6am he had to do a briefing so he didn't get home until 8am.

My goal is to keep the kids quiet until at least noon. I know that is only four hours of sleep...he can sleep beyond that point if he wants but that is as long as I'll make them tip toe around.

So last night I went with the girls to the mall where we discovered a Lego store. After playing for awhile in the store I succumbed to the pressure and bought a big starter set for the girls. I think I was suckered into the 50 year anniversary classic edition with an old school picture on the front.

The girls have already asked to go back to get certain types of pieces whenever they save their money. They've been playing quietly for three hours this morning and all working pretty well together. So far its money well spent...until Brooke eats one and I have to start watching for the passed Lego in her poop.


Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Hey, you'll need that to keep them quiet for another reason here in a few months! Good purchase, Mommy!

Jodi said...

Watch out! Legos can be addicting! Ben has a couple of full shelves of his "creations." He often asks me what he should make, and then disappears for a very long time to make something...

Kathy said...

Coooooool. I was laughing, because I JUST was looking at the original Legos sets online the other day. I think our boys are too old for their Duplos (the larger toddler size)! Might come in handy while Bill's deployed... tempting...