Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Our Trip Recapped

I think I finally have the laundry under control and we've adjusted enough for me to take a few minutes to post some pictures from our trip.

We spent the first part of our trip in Texas. We spent time with friends and family. One afternoon we had the chance to visit great-grandma Hall at the nursing home. Baileigh remembers great grandma and asks about her frequently. All the girls went up to her and gave her great big hugs which I know she loves, even if she is foggy on remembering them.
It was a beautiful afternoon...believe it or not only 30 minutes before this photo the sky had been gray and pouring rain. I took this picture for my hubby and I think I'll have to enlarge it and find a frame.
The heat got to Brooke after chasing her sisters and cousin in the sun for an hour. She chilled on the porch for awhile.

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