Can anyone identify this rash? Cash prizes awarded to the winner.
Brooke's skin went from fine to rash covered in about 30 minutes. She has big red hot blotches of bumps that looked similar to a bad blistered sun rash. It started on both her arms, in the triceps region and then she started showing blotches on her legs but nothing on her torso.
I gave her a bath and then she took some benedryl about an hour ago and I put benedryl cream on the rash...she doesn't seem bothered by it and is already acting sleepy!
This picture doesn't show her rash at all...but as I was taking pictures she said "see, Mommy...see my belly. No ash!" (rash) For the past hour she has come up to me several times and asked with a concerned voice, "Mommy? Booke ash me awm?" Translation, "Mommy, Brooke rash me arm?" Then she lifts up her shirt and says reminds me that there is no ash on her belly!
Great Expectations
16 hours ago
Our guess is Fifth's Disease. Has she had fever in the past week or so?
Alesha and Hugo
Hand, foot and mouth is going around here like crazy. It's a fast moving rash... I guess I'd have it looked at. I won the haircut contest... maybe I'll win the rash contest too. I hope Brook's "ash" heals soon!
Okay, my 2 cents- it looks like an allergic reaction to something. Owen will get something similar on his arms and backs of his legs and it ALWAYS comes this time of year. Almost like an outbreak of eczema. The Doctors would have us treat it with hydrocortisone on the rash & then a dose of benadryl. It still will continue to come back when he gets hot, sweaty, and itches his skin.
Has she been on any kind of medicine in the last week or so?
I would say prickly heat. Has it been hot, and was she outside in the sun?
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