Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sea Girt

Today we headed about an hour east to the shore to Sea Girt...there is a US Coast Guard Station that has a private beach for military. You have to pay to go to the public beaches in's minimal, but we also avoid a lot of crowds!

Baileigh had been so excited to test out her new boogie board...she was really disappointed to learn that the surf was really rough and there was an extremely strong undertow that made it dangerous. In order to build her confidence I went in the water with her...after being hit by one or two big waves and knocked off my feet I decided it was better if she remained scared and didn't want to get in the water!

The girls spent most of the afternoon playing on the rocks and building sand castles.
Mckenna also spent some time working on her modeling for future Sports Illustrated Swim Suit issues.

She stays in shape by practicing Yoga when she isn't modeling. Seriously though, Mckenna is pretty much bone and muscle! She has a real gymnast build and is naturally athletic. Maybe she can pay for our retirement some day. Brooke spent her day eating sand, playing in sand, throwing sand etc.
The crash of the surf was so loud that she was intimidated to get too close to the water. It made it easy to keep track of her!
Baileigh loves the water...I think it was hard for her to be so close and not be able to really enjoy the chance to get in the ocean. The temperature was about 95 today, so despite sand in every nook and cranny of our car, our bags, our clothes and our bodies...we had a good time at the beach.


ALL MY GUYS and ME said...

You are such a great mom, ALWAYS up to something with your girls!! Looks fun!!

Tylertopia said...

How FUN! Love the pics, especially the hand stand. Looks like you girls had a great day. Nice beach too. Lucky!

Anonymous said...

Brooke is getting sooo big. Kailey liked seeing the girls at the beach.
Miss you.
Wendi, Kailey and Lexi