Thursday, June 07, 2007

Our Little Vegan

Last night Brooke threw her hot dog off her tray and begged us for some salad! She climbed up in Brad's lap and ate his Caesar salad like it was a bowl of ice cream. He couldn't feed her fast enough.

We thought it may have been an isolated incident.


Tonight the same thing happened. This time it was a Spinach salad with a balsamic honey Dijon dressing. She devoured every bite we gave her. I'm still trying to get my almost six year old to eat salad...go figure.


Abundant Joy said...

Hayden loves salad also. So Cutie. The boots we got at Target and at first we thought they could be fish. Then I thought some more and said fish do not have eyebrows.

Traci said...

That's my kind of girl!!!

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

ANOTHER kid eating salad?

Are you TRYING to kill me?