Monday, March 05, 2007

Non traditional bonding!

Warning...don't read if currently snacking or consuming food products of any type. If dieting or counting points...continue to read and later you can thank me when you've lost you're appetite!

Last night I went to bed not feeling well...thought it was PMS. Around 12:45am I heard crying and coughing. You know the cough, not the regular "I have a cold" cough, but rather the "here comes dinner" cough. Baileigh was standing in her room, apparently in transit to the bathroom, and regurgitating her Papa Murphy's pizza, her salad with dried cherries on it, her green grapes, and her popcorn for dessert. Hungry yet? I immediately knew that this clean up was greater then some paper towel and our spray bottle of OxyClean Carpet Cleaner so I hollered for Brad to wake up. He stumbled into the bedroom and wasn't pleased to get a list of orders including "go downstairs out to the garage and bring up the steam cleaner vacuum and get to work!" He isn't too coherent when awoken from a slumber so although I wasn't being the kindest wife in the world...orders were really necessary to keep from finding him curled up in a ball asleep on Baileigh's bed in a few minutes.

I was helping Baileigh in the bathroom who continued to throw up and was pretty upset that she has puked on her Emperor Penguin and her favorite pajamas...when she saw it in her hair she almost lost it. I got her cleaned up while Brad began the clean up project (Mckenna, who shares a bedroom with Baileigh, slept through all of this!). I began to realize that my stomach wasn't feeling that well either...perhaps it wasn't PMS. A few minutes later I found myself on the floor praying to the porcelain god. Let's just say I can do without pizza for a very. long. time!

As I type, here is a picture of my poor girl laying on the floor behind me and moaning. She won't go anywhere now without her bucket by her side for fear of ruining the carpet. Such a conscientious five year old.

An hour later the carpet was clean and Brad stumbled back to bed. However, my fun continued. This is how the rest of the night breaks down:

1:45 - "MOMMY"...this time she used the garbage can I put next to her bed and we adverted another steam cleaning project.

2:20 - I hear her in the bathroom, taking the initiative to plant herself in front of the toilet. I came to help her and ended up joining her. Having your 5 year old loan you her headband and then hold your hair for you while you vomit is really bonding.

2:37 - Back to the bathroom for Baileigh. False alarm she reports.

3:52 - I hear coughing. Baileigh is sitting up in bed, sick again. Less each time thankfully. Mckenna, still sleeping.

4:47 - I hear Baileigh in the bathroom. She is standing in front of the toilet. "Mommy, I don't feel good in my tummy or my bottom so I don't know if I should sit or stand." My poor baby. She sits, which was necessary, and unfortunately needs the garbage can at the same time. At her moment of need I had to abandon her for about 5 minutes to run to our bathroom to take care of my own issues. I found her in the same spot, waiting on me to help. This night is turning into more fun then I can handle!

5:30 - Yes, somewhere deep in her belly is a little bit more of something that her stomach deems as necessary to expel.

6:22 - I hear crying. I jump up and run in Baileigh's room to find her asleep. Then I realize it is coming from Brooke's room. This isn't her regular wake up time and I can tell from the cry she is still tired. I head in her room and rock her for a few minutes. The entire time I'm holding her I'm distracted by my stomach and wondering if I suddenly get up and dart to the bathroom if Brooke will wake up. I manage to keep it down and put her back to bed for two more hours.

8:23 - Mckenna crawls into bed with me. "Mommy, why is their a new big vacuum in my room?"

So at least Mckenna is rested and in good spirits this morning. Both she and Brooke seem fine right now. I still feel best if in a fetal position. I hope this is a 24 hour bug. I also hope, for once, that nobody wants to see our house today!


Anonymous said...

Hey Melynie-

Do you read your comments? It's me, Lisa! Your mom just sent me a link to your blog. I have spent the last 72 hours wondering what color the smell eminating from Cameron's diaper will be this time-and how far up his back it will be. Today I threw away some pajamas he has only worn 2 times. I just can't bring myself to actually hand wash them. Took him to the Dr. today and he also has a double ear infection and Doc said the the antibiotics will probably make the diarrhea worse before it gets better. Oh boy, I can't wait :)

Double A's Mom said...

Oh, my goodness. This post made me laugh and cry all at the same time. Poor Baileigh! And poor you! I hope tonight goes better for you.

Jenny said...

Sheesh! What a night!! Reminds me of the night I sat on the toilet(because it was necessary) and looped a Walmart back over my ears so I could yak in the bag...looked strange but it was easy cleanup! lol!! Hope you are feeling much better...

Deb said...

Just stopping by from the party. Great blog ! Nice to meet you. I could never sleep on the floor! Man My back would break! LOL
God Bless

Jessica said...

Oh no! Yuck!

Thanks for your comment on my blog - you asked me some questions about weight-loss and triathlon training. Can you send me an email - or leave me your email address - so I can reply privately?

--Jessica (Fat Girl to Triathlete,

Kate said...

Ooooooh, my dear! So sorry, nothing sadder than sickie kids...hope y'all are feeling better SOON!