Saturday, November 25, 2006

24 Hours Child Free!!!!

The notion of 24 hours without the three kids I have cared solely for over the past four months was very exciting to me...and even more was the fact that not only am I child free but I get to hang out with my husband, there is a novel thought! We took advantage of Brad's parents being in town and headed to Seattle for the night. We checked into our hotel and decided to explore the city night life. Unbelievably we spent 24 hours in the city without any rain, that made our stay even better! The streets were a zoo...we thought it was just a big "Black Friday" shopping crowd but soon discovered that the mob had gathered for the annual downtown Christmas tree lighting and fireworks. Streets were blocked off for pedestrians and the choirs that had gathered to sing. All the hub-bub and the music and lights quickly got me in the Christmas season mood.

Our stay could have been stressful had we any type of agenda...but since we were just there to get away and explore we weren't really bothered by the mobs focused on finding discounts. In fact, it was fun to do some people watching...sort of depressing too to see all the people so overly focused on their shopping lists! Commercialism at it's finest (aka worst).

Saturday we decided to walk a few blocks over to Pike Place Market for what could be one of our final visits ( I keep saying that will be my next blog, I'll follow through this time). I love to go to the market and watch all the interesting artisians and shoppers. I could spend all day there just taking pictures and observing.

After our day of wandering and just enjoying the fact we weren't pushing a stroller through the crowd or needing a high chair at lunch we headed over to the adult toy store...REI that is. Brad has been really supportive of my traithlon goal and we decided to go look for some road bikes. We could have spent another 24 hours at the mammoth REI but had to head home via a stop at Boeing for Brad to examine all the planes...doesn't that get old?

We had a great time and the kids did Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great Seattle day! I'm already jealous and we haven't even moved yet!