Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thank You!

Yesterday our wonderful friends drove down from NJ to spend a little time with us. The visit was quick, but it was great to see them and be around familiar faces.

We took a quick dip in the pool to get some energy out before dinner. There was one boy and his dad there but otherwise the entire pool was ours!
Mckenna and Lila
Emma and Baileigh

We headed out for a yummy dinner and then home for some popcorn and a movie.

Once we wore the girls out we got busy painting. Surprise! Even with a house guest the projects there isn't much else to do in our house right now anyway.

What a good friend to drive over three hours one afternoon to help me paint into the wee hours of the morning and then drive three hours home the next morning!

Thank you for taking the time to visit us, living amongst our mess, sleeping on an air mattress, painting until 1:00am, etc! Now that is friendship!

1 comment:

Royal Cuties said...

You know I love you! It was a great break for us with Ryan traveling the past two weeks. Besides, I love to paint when it's not my house!
And to all of my fellow NJ friends, the drive wasn't bad at all - so go visit!