I need a sounding board. The kids won't do. And I just don't feel like there is one specific person right now that I want to call. I don't know if that even makes any sense. Anyway...I'm having a party for one, a pity party, so it seems appropriate that I use my own forum as a means to spew my thoughts and feelings.
Tomorrow is the last day that my kids will get to play with our neighbor, Jacob. Jacob, and his family, have become a special family to all of us...more then neighbors, friends. I never imagined this move from NJ to VA would be difficult beyond our church friends. So while on the one hand I am so thankful for the amazing neighbors we have had this past year it also adds one more element that makes saying good-bye difficult.
We're leaving Wednesday morning to return to VA for 48 hours for the closing of on our house. When we return Jacob will be gone for 8 days with his family on vacation. That means tomorrow it is time to say good-bye. I can't believe that just typing that makes me cry. I'm feeling so much guilt and heartache over seeing Baileigh genuinely upset over moving away from friends. This is really the first move where it is registering with her and making a big impact. I can only imagine in four years when we leave VA and she is 10 that this will be twice as painful and that Mckenna will also find it difficult.
Jacob and Baileigh have a special friendship...one centered around catching frogs, digging in the dirt and creating gardens. In the midst of their mutual love for nature I believe a small mutual admiration for each other has developed. On the one hand it makes me glad we're moving...today I saw them holding hands! On the other hand, it makes me sad to take her away from her buddy and probably her first crush.
The timing of all this couldn't be worse because we just returned from a few days in VA where we didn't really get a chance to interact with many neighbors and where we learned that there aren't' many kids that live in one of the four houses on our private drive. At our current house we have 3 neighbors that each have 3 kids...so 9 kids within 3 houses for us to play with! It's been great and my girls have been spoiled. Our new neighborhood doesn't feel like home yet...I know eventually we'll find our niche, but for now I think all the girls in the house are struggling a little.
13 hours ago
Oh, Mel. I'm sorry. I've been there. I know - it's hard. Maybe Baileigh can learn to email her friends and they can send pictures to each other? I know that Ben enjoys sending emails now....
Anyway, I totally know where you're coming from as a mom...I wonder how the Lord will use these experiences in your kids' lives to teach them about friendships and family....
That's all par for the course when moving in involved. Hope you all get through tomorrow ok!
Maybe you can remind them of Jeremiah 29:11 and that God is taking care of them, even in the move?
Growing up Air Force brought many moves in our family also.... I really only remember the emotions of the last move, I was going into the 4th grade. It was hard, yes, but it taught me (and Lish) so much about how to make friends and moreso it made our immediate family incredibly close. We are still that close today, 22 years after the last move.
Praying that this makes for some best friends at home, like it did for Lish and me.
Well stated Linds! Your girls will be bonded in a very special way.
Awww, that is sad indeed. Like Jodi mentioned, maybe they can still keep in touch? I know it isn't the same as being together every day (and difficult to explain that to a child) but maybe it will give them both a little bit of peace if they don't have to say a final or forever type of good-bye...you girls are in our hearts and thoughts.
We're getting ready to come home from vacation tomorrow. As excited as I am to get home and back to normal, I've been so sad thinking that you'll be gone a few days later. I've already promised the girls we can visit you before school starts.
Miss you!
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