Why does our huge driveway make me so happy? Who thought that a big piece of pavement could do that! We had 14 cars parked in the driveway and had plenty of room for more as well as all the cars were still able to come and go without anyone needing to move their vehicle.We received 4 bottles of wine for gifts, too bad we don't really drink. Maybe to be polite I'll have to pop one open, or regift. I guess I'll be ready now when my family visits.
Did I mention there were over 20 kids here. Under 5! Yikes.
Nice apron, huh!
Wow, with all the marathon unpacking I know you were glad to collapse into a chair when it was all over. Yes, Brad has a very nice apron. I bet it got some comments.
And if YOU'RE not going to drink the Reisling, send it to me.
Aw, crap. I misspelled it. I meant RieslingS.
I have deck envy.
WOW!!! Glad ya'll made it to NJ okay. Great apron. 20 kids under 5 in one place. Oh my!!! Love the pictures of the girls.
Dude! That house is a rental? It's awesome! Maybe we should try East Coast...
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