4,3oo miles later...we're in NJ. We arrived on Thursday but just got our Internet connected today. It's been a turbulent week full of highs and lows. The girls are adjusting but still have emotional melt-downs. Our household goods arrive this Thursday and I think once they see their "stuff" it will help a lot.
We've spent over a month off and on air mattresses and hotel beds. I'm anxious for the familiarity of my mattress and sheets! Since we've been hanging out in an empty house eating sandwiches on paper plates we decided to paint the girls bedrooms. I didn't envision this was something we were going to be able to do since we're renting...but we got permission and I think it is going to help me feel like this is our home, if even for a year.
Tomorrow the girls start a once a week indoor soccer class for preschool kids. Other then that we're just busy getting settled. I started my 9 week triathlon training regiment this morning...so I also joined a gym with a lap pool so I can get my swimming in, too.
I never thought I would say that coming to NJ sort of feels like coming home...but since we know our way around, have friends and have a church it really does have a sense of home more then anywhere else we've ever lived before.
It's late and I promised myself I would be at the pool by 6:30am so this is all for now. But I am alive...since some of you have called to check. And we successfully made our coast to coast move. Much more later.
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
1 day ago
Happy to hear that you have made it to NJ and can now settle in. It's awesome that you feel as though you have gone "home" and can relax in the knowledge of already having friends and a church, etc. Hopefully the girls will find more peace as their stuff arrives. Looking forward to reading more about your travels...kudos to you for your commitment to training, even in the midst of a coast to coast move! Now, that is motivation! :o)Keep up the positive energy!
It's so good to hear from you and read about what's going on. We miss you already! Our small group isn't the same without you. Lots of love!
I'm glad you posted that! I was beginning to wonder if everything was OK...:)
Wow, you've sure got things under control! And good for you for starting your training right away, it will be fun for you and likely help relieve any stress you might have with such a big change.
Just checked in to see if you made it yet. Glad to hear the trip went well. Stops in C-Springs and the mother country, it doesn't get better than that. Did the hotel in Nashville threaten to throw you out if you didn't stop making too much noise? Just curious. Hope the household goods show up without too much damage. Take care and good luck!
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