Monday, October 27, 2008

My New Toy

As a housewarming present, Brad got me the Keurig Single Cup Coffee Maker. I love it! Not only can it brew a variety of coffees in one minute, you can also make hot chocolate and teas. You can also purchase a K Filter that allows you to use loose coffee grounds instead of the prepackaged K Cups.

I got to try this coffee maker a few months ago at a luncheon I went to at a General's house...we all had so much fun picking out our own type of coffee to brew. I was hooked at that point and I guess I talked about it enough, and bought enough Starbucks, that Brad thought this would be a good, cost effective solution. And plus, now I'm as cool as the General's wife! And if I ever make any friends here...the type that come over for coffee, they will have fun picking their own brew, too.

My favorite part is coming down to the kitchen in the morning and opening my drawer and having the great debate as to what type of coffee to try...perhaps a flavored variety, or a bold roast, or maybe a Kona blend. Decisions, decisions. Its almost more then I can handle in the morning...before my first cup of coffee!


molly said...

That's a fun gift! Go Brad!!! I've seen these and heard they are great, but haven't had the chance to try one yet. If I lived close I'd be a friend that would come over for coffee! :)

Also, Eric wants to know when you are going to post pictures of your kitchen???

Anonymous said...

My dad has one of those. I used it this summer while I was visiting. I loved it!!



lovin' life said...

I am so jealous! I tried a cup from one of those posh machines when we were signing the papers for our house. That was the coolest escrow company we ever used! Wish I was there to share the love.
