Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fighting Off Sleep

Bouncy Seat

I'm so proud of myself right now...I figured out how to download video. This has been an all day process since our video camera is fairly new so the first thing was figuring it out...then how to download the video to the computer, then to YouTube, then to my blog...I'm making it all sound harder then it was but that is because I want you to be as impressed with me as I am with myself. And in the midst of all that I changed a poopie diaper, settled a dispute, phone call, door bell, bottle etc.

There is no need for volume on this video...all you will hear is the cartoon Oswald in the background. I saw Brooke nodding off and couldn't resist capturing the moment. The video is kind of dark, a little grainy (which I think is YouTube, not my camera)...but I'll get better. Give it a few minutes to download.


Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

I know, Brooke, I know. I feel that way during Oswald, too.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!!! Look at that hair. Let poor Brooke go to sleep. By the way I read your blog everyday and love it. Alesha

Anonymous said...

Too Cute! I wish that we could hear Brooke's thoughts! I'm sure she was thinking "why is does she have this camera in my face and why doesn't she please put me to bed?!"

Did you plan the Oswald episode about sleeping?

Miss you guys!