Friday, August 18, 2006

3 Years Ago

So 3 years ago at this moment I was in labor. Three years later I am laboring...both w/ the same kid...ironic. Mckenna and I have had a rough few weeks. There are moments where she has me fighting tears with her sweet comments and cute questions. Today she asked me, "Mommy, when we're on the airplane going to Michigan will God see us and take care of us?" And then we've had quite a few moments lately where she has me in tears with her defiance and tantrums followed by a tearful collapse into my arms saying "I want Daddy." I battle between compassion and heartbreak and anger and annoyance. How much of all this is her just playing me or her inability to process all the feelings she is experiencing in her little heart and head...I think a little of both.

Despite our current struggle to stay afloat, there have been more highs then lows with her the last three years. She causes me to laugh more then cry, to smile more then yell (this week being the exception) and I wouldn't trade a thing...except the deployment. So here's to you kiddo...I hope Mommy can make your 3rd birthday special for you tomorrow even though I know the thing you want most I can't give you...Daddy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you girls and there is no place I rather be on this earth than with you all.