Friday, July 31, 2009

Toothless Grin

When Baileigh lost her bottom two teeth in December I handled it okay...the adult teeth were ready and waiting and filled in the gap within days. The loss of the top middle tooth seems to mark more of a milestone. Gone is her beautiful smile with small, even, nicely spaced teeth. In there place will be new adult teeth...commonly large and crooked and funny looking.

Considering she is going to be 8 in a few months this milestone is occurring later then a lot of her peers, but it makes me sad none the less.

My two toothless teeth for Morgan and one less for Baileigh.


Triple Trouble said...

Morgan cracks me up! Baileigh looks beautiful! Last week Abbie just had her 9 month check up with the orthodontist. She had to have 4 teeth pulled at the beginning of school last year to make room for those big crooked adult teeth. 2 girls in her class have already gotten braces. Everything starts so early now!

Lovin' on my Boys said...

I agree. Baleigh is beautiful... with or without teeth. ;)