Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

Technically yesterday was a scheduled teacher in-service and we didn't have school anyway. Today we have a "snow day" but technically it's a freezing rain/ice day. This is our first accumulation of the year and the girl's were so excited to go sledding. I wasn't as enthusiastic about the idea considering Brad was at work and I wouldn't have an extra set of hands...but I couldn't deny them a few hours in the snow.Baileigh and Mckenna were easy to bundle up and excited to go outside despite the layers of clothing. Brooke is resistant to coats and hats in general and didn't understand the concept and it was a constant fight to get clothes on and get outside. Once we were outside she changed her tune and had a good time.
Mckenna's screams of joy could probably be heard for miles. I think my ears are still recovering.
We went to Baileigh's school down the street because it has the best hill around. It was nice because Brooke grew disinterested in the sledding sooner then her sisters so she also had the playground to keep her entertained.
Mckenna is always our most coordinated dresser...thanks to my friend Tricia and all her great hand-me-downs.
Baileigh learned the hard way that head first down the hill can mean a lot of snow down her shirt!

Baileigh is such a good big sister...she helped Brooke walk up the hill and get on her sled and stopped whatever she was doing whenever Brooke needed something. I think appreciated it even more then Brooke since it made our sledding time easier for me.
Getting ready to race.
As much fun as we had, it made me thankful that I don't live in MI anymore and that I don't have to bundle them up every single day!


Anonymous said...

Sledding is so much fun. We go almost everytime we are up in the mountains. All the kids love it and so do we. It looks like you had a great time.


Shell in your Pocket said...

How fun!!! I love their smiles!
-sandy toe

Lisa said...

Looks like the girls had a fun snow day! That's cool that you have a nearby place to go sledding! The kids & I had fun playing in the snow yesterday too. I really dislike how long it takes to bundle up the kiddies, but it sure is fun to play in the white fluffy stuff together!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they had a great time. We have been out of school for 3 days here in OKC. I think we must have sent it your way!
Have fun!


Anonymous said...

That looks like too much fun! I'd like to try it! :-)