Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Love These!

A few months ago I posted about these books. Today I saw another one that I picked up at Target and couldn't put down without buying...The Supermarket Survival Guide. It's so frustrating to see an item listed in this book that I thought was the healthier option, yet in reality it has been a poor choice. I'm well aware that just because something is labeled as "light" or "low fat" doesn't mean it is necessarily good for you...however I'm still constantly surprised at some of things that are poor choices

I'm going grocery shopping on Thursday and I plan on doing a thorough reading of this book prior to that trip so I can make educated choices.

Here are a few pages from inside the book, in case you've never seen one, that gives you an idea of what the book is like. There are other sections to the book as well that offer more explanation.


Shell in your Pocket said...

Wow..lots of pictures..that is what I need!
-sandy toe

Anonymous said...

That's so neat! I always thought Nutri-grain bars were the better snack! It can be so confusing! Thanks for sharing and let us know how your shopping works out!

beukelman blog said...

i need to get this book - thanks for sharing!