We were aware of some mildew damage on the drywall so we have to cut out the sheet rock that was behind the former cabinet. The mildew was caused by a rusty and leaky pipe so we have to cut and replace the piece. I say "we" like I'm doing the work too, but Brad is the primary contractor! I exhaust myself out in the yard cleaning up leaves for hours so he can concentrate on the bathroom this weekend and not have to think about the yard. I'll probably do the painting and assist Brad by running all over the house finding him tools, making trips to Lowes and helping him clean up and making decisions, but he'll do the work!
Here are all the before pictures and our initial demolition with "after" pictures hopefully coming by the end of the week. We've invited a bunch of people over for Thanksgiving so we're on a timeline! And for those of you continually asking for photos of our kitchen (ahem, Stephanie :) they are coming. It's hard for me to post pictures until I get it all finished and decorated! I found curtains that I like the other day and we finally got all the hardware put on the cabinets. So I promise in the next week or so I'll post some pictures...my goal is by Thanksgiving to have it done.
The only reason I keep asking is because Roger and I are starting to prepare to redo our kitchen and I want opinions and views, what you like and don't like, what looks good, what wasn't worth it etc. Basically, I want to learn from your mistakes. ha ha
Hey-I would love to see more pics of your finished projects, too! :) I am amazed at what you guys have tackled, and how FAST you get it done! You're going to have a brand new house when it's all said and done! Wow!
I love the process pictures, but I must admit, I too am getting eager to see the final reveal! Mostly because I want to see your reward for all the hard work. You guys are tougher than I am, that's for sure!
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