I noticed my counter on Friday and saw that I was at 19, 883 hits. I didn't keep track of the hits until my blog had been around for about 4 months so that is the number of hits in just less then two years. I made a mental note and thought that I would blog about getting 20,000 hits. I looked today anticipating that I may be close to 20,000 and I was already at 20,085! I missed it! I realize there are blogs that get a thousand plus hits a day and that mine is not one of those blogs...but even 202 hits since Friday is amazing to me.
There are about 20 people between family and close friends that I would expect to following my blog and read about the girls...I'm not sure what the motivation is for the other 80% of you! I appreciate it though, don't get me wrong. I'm sure you probably want to stay current on us so when we're famous you can say "I knew/read about them way back when!"
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
1 day ago
OK, I admit it. Not to burst your bubble cause the #'s are pretty impressive, but....
I'm a HUGE number of those hits! Since seeing the girls is not as frequent as wished [and they are growing up too fast!], whenever Nana needs a 'GG fix'(grandgirls), I'm watching them on video or enlarging the pics to 400% (!) to better see their eyes or smiles or their artwork or handwriting or their athletic skills or........
Thanks for taking the time to grab your camera and then post 'em. It's
a lifeline for this grandparent!!
OO's & XX's
Hi, I guess I'll admit I'm one of the 20,000! I came across your blog in January, by a chance after googling - your blog popped up. I looked at it & started reading, not knowing who you were. Then I saw a picture of your husband, recognized he looked familiar to me. But, we are a military family, so that happens a lot. So, I asked my husband Mike if he recognized the picture on your blog & he immediately recognized your husband as one of his old football buddies he played with at the academy. And, the reason I recognized the pictures is that we had met you at a wedding last August in Denver! I guess you never know what you are going to find when you 'google'. Again, I was remindid what a small world the Air Force is! Anyway, I will admit I love reading about different people's lives, so after happening upon your blog, I've visited it again several times. Love the music too, by the way! And, we have a Zeman family blog too in case you want to check it out (I'm a beginner blogger, just as a warning:)
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