Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow Day II

This snow day was a lot more fun then our snow day about a month ago. Primarily because Daddy stayed home and there was more snow. I was relieved to not be the only person trying to play with the kids in the snow. I was exhausted after getting them bundled up and had very little energy left to actually take them sledding and pull them through the snow.

Brad only had a two hour delay. However, when he emailed his office inquiring about the roads his boss replied and said they were bad and to stay home if he didn't have any meetings today. We were all excited to have Daddy home to play in the snow and have some extra time to work on the bathroom project.

My crazy child...she is my daredevil which is more Mckenna's personality but Baileigh is always the first to think of a way to make something more dangerous.

The trees were beautiful. When the sun came out and the wind died down it was pretty nice out...but when the wind gusts picked up and blew the snow it was miserable.

My snow angel and Daddy's little helper.

Exploring our side yard and the deep snow drifts.

To the right of Brooke is our "driveway"...a private drive we share w/ 4 other houses but all help shovel since the city doesn't plow our road. Brad was the first one outside so he did the majority of the drive all the way to the road at the back of the picture.

Posing in front of our house.

We drove to the school for some's about 3 blocks and I let the kids sit in the back of the car since they were wet and bundled up...this is what I saw out of my rear view mirror.

After about two hours outside everyone wanted to take a break...I'm taking a break until the next snow day, hopefully not tomorrow.


Shell in your Pocket said...

Okay..that last picture of your little girl looks like!

How fun..make snow cream!
sandy toe

Lisa said...

Fun snow pics! Very pretty shots of the white fluffy stuff! I was so happy too that my Hubby was home (only until noon, though) to play with the kids outside!

Lisa said...

I'm not sure if I contacted you already or not, but I recently made my blog private. If you'd like to be added to the list to continue reading, please send me your e-mail: lisafoerterAThotmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

Such fun pictures! :o)

Kathy said...

These are awesome! That first pic of Brad and the girls looks almost fake... staged or something, the lighting is cool! How fun... we'll probably be in that next year in MN. :)