Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bike Riding

Despite helmets and training wheels I confess that I am an emotional wreck when the kids are riding bikes. I never used to be the worry-wart type...but the girls need for speed combined with their continued oblivion to things such as mailboxes and curbs makes our moments on two wheels (plus trainers) a constant heart attack. Will my nerves subside when they are 8 and 10 and seem more in control? I hope so...this almost makes me look forward to rainy season when we put the bikes away! I don't think I'll ever be ready for drivers ed!

This really isn't them turning around for a photo...this is more or less their level of awareness while bike riding. Is this typical at this age? Do all kids seem to watch everything while biking except the road? Maybe I'm a little hypersensitive considering I had about 8 teeth knocked out in a bicycle accident when I was just a little older then Baileigh...saved me from braces though.

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