I met another doctor today. He was very nice and made me pretty comfortable despite being male (I prefer female ob/gyns). He said head is down and baby is face down. He also said it has started to drop and that it is almost perfectly centered. He pretty much said if they could place the baby in a perfect position it is about 1/4 inch to the right of that but that is well within margin of error. He seemed pleased.
Today I got the Strep B test but that was the extent of my exam. I assumed the doctor would check to see if I started dilating. I told him I've been having a lot of contractions, but nothing consistent or too close. When he learned it was my fourth and we talked about my history he said he didn't want to check and see if I was dilating. Essentially he said that with the first baby the cervix is textbook and it's very easy to do an exam and determine how much your dilating. However, with each additional baby he said the cervix changes and it gets harder to get an accurate check on the cervix without being a little more invasive. He said the result of his exam could be enough to encourage the onset of labor and since the only thing it would do is determine if I've begun dilating but doesn't really change anything at this point he would prefer to wait. He essentially asked if I was prepared to go into labor tonight because it could increase the odds. I essentially said, no! So next week, when I'm a few days shy of 37 weeks I'll probably risk the exam so we can check on the progress.
I've been induced with all three girls. We're still debating the option. If I go that route it would be around March 20. There are a lot of pros and a few cons. We'll wait to see what we learn next week and maybe pray in the meantime that it happens naturally...at a convenient time. Is that praying for a miracle?